Friday, December 10, 2021


McDonald's loses the legal battle with chef Jamie Oliver, who proved that the food they sell is not fit to be ingested because it is highly toxic.

Chef Jamie Oliver has won a battle against the world's largest junk food chain. Oliver proving how burgers are made.
According to Oliver, the fat parts of meat are "washed" with ammoniac hydrogen and then used in the packaging of the meat "cake" to fill the burger. Before this process, according to the presenter, already this meat was not suitable for human consumption.
Oliver, a radical activist chef, who has waged a war against the food industry, says: We’re talking about meat that would be sold as dog food and after this process it’s served to humans. In addition to the quality of meat, ammonium acid is harmful to health. Oliver says this: "The process of the pink shit".
What sane human being would put a piece of meat soaked in ammonium hydrogen in the mouth of a child?
In another of his initiatives Oliver has demonstrated how chicken nuggets are made: after selecting the "best parts", the rest: fat, skin, cartilage, visuals, bones, head, legs, are subjected to a mec split smoothie canica - it's the euphemism that engineers use in food, and then that blood pink paste is deodorant, bleached, re-refreshed and repainted, dipped in flour and fried melcocha, this is left in usually partially hydrogenated oils, that is, toxins.
The food industry uses ammonium hydrogen as an anti-microbial agent, which allowed McDonald's to use meat in its burgers, which is not suitable for human consumption.
But even more disturbing is the situation that these substances based on ammonium hydrogen are considered 'lawful components in the production process' in the food industry with the blessings of health authorities worldwide o. So consumers will never be able to discover what substances they put in our food.


Sunday, December 5, 2021

What is in a soba noodle?

What are soba noodles? Soba is a Japanese noodle made from buckwheat flour and water, and sometimes a bit of whole-wheat flour to keep the noodles from deteriorating. 
Oct 30, 2019

What is the benefits of fenugreek?

 Image result for fenugreek

Among other benefits, some research suggests that fenugreek may:
  • Reduce the risk of diabetes. ...
  • Improve milk production and flow. ...
  • Improve weight loss. ...
  • Raise testosterone and boost sperm count. ...
  • Reduce inflammation. ...
  • Reduce the risk of heart and blood pressure conditions. ...
  • Pain relief

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Their total budget is $10 million.


About the job

The Redevelopment Project Manager collaborates with the business development team at GO Topeka and the staff at both the City of Topeka and Shawnee County to facilitate catalytic development for the City's downtown areas, neighborhoods, and underutilized areas. The right candidate is a highly organized, efficient, and self-motivated professional who communicates effectively and provides top-notch customer service to neighborhoods, districts, and prospective developers. This position fosters relationships and helps to attract and manage catalytic redevelopment projects to redevelop sites to their best and highest use. Training and experience in economic development, planning, preservation, commercial real estate, incentives, and neighborhood/district citizen dynamics is essential.

Although we seek a professional with the education and background to hit the ground running, our primary focus is to find a teammate who will live our core values and partner with the GTP team with energy and passion. Successful candidates must also demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of the business community in Topeka and Shawnee County, as well as, and excellent interpersonal and presentational skills. A background in real state is preferred, but not required.

The Greater Topeka Partnership’s mission is to be the catalyst for economic prosperity within our community and our vision is that the greater Topeka region is internationally recognized as a vibrant, innovative, fun, diverse, and healthy community. We are committed to diversifying the voice of the community, doing right by those who have entrusted us with our mission, looking toward a brighter future and infusing passion into everything we do. To that end, we hold to the following core values:

Diversity & Inclusion - Our organization, like our community, is great when everyone has a chance to come to the table with a voice that is heard and valued.

Integrity - We place integrity at the forefront of all our decisions and will continue to build a team only of individuals who are dedicated to doing the right thing in a fair and honest way.

Visionary - The future starts today and the decisions we make shape tomorrow for the next generation. We set our sights on innovation. We encourage and support creativity in our community and stay on the cutting edge of our industry’s standards.

Passion for Community - We love our community!

GO Topeka's mission is to create county-wide economic success for all companies and citizens through the implementation of an aggressive economic development strategy that capitalizes on the unique strengths of the community.

It is in their vision that Topeka & Shawnee Country is known in Kansas and the greater region for being a leader at creating opportunities that result in economic success for all.

The Greater Topeka Partnership (The Partnership) is a collaborative organization which brings together community organizations invested in economic development and quality of life Topeka & Shawnee County. The Partnership's model allows for shared resources and expertise to work on the common goal of economic prosperity for the region. Their total budget is $10 million.

Interested candidates should send cover letter, and resume to Yesy Lawrence. The deadline is Tuesday, November 30, 2021'

Salary range: $50,000.00 - $65,000.00

Contact the job poster

Job poster profile

Yesenia (Yesy) Lawrence 2nd

Bilingual Human Resources Professional | 10+ Years of experience in WC, FMLA, and ER.

Job Poster Location

Topeka Metropolitan Area

Monday, August 30, 2021

What do you think?


Get on your Bike and Ride ...... or just walk

 The bicycle is the slow death of the planet.

General Director of Euro Exim Bank Ltd. got economists thinking when he said:
"A cyclist is a disaster for the country's economy: he does not buy cars and does not borrow money to buy. He does not pay for insurance policies. He does not buy fuel, does not pay for the necessary maintenance and repairs. He does not use paid parking. He does not cause serious accidents. He does not require multi-lane highways. He does not get fat.
Healthy people are neither needed nor useful for the economy. They don't buy medicine. They do not go to hospitals or doctors. Nothing is added to the country's GDP (gross domestic product).
On the contrary, every new McDonald's restaurant creates at least 30 jobs: 10 cardiologists, 10 dentists, 10 dietary experts and nutritionists, and obviously, people who work at the restaurant itself."
Choose carefully: cyclist or McDonald's? It is worth considering.
P.S. Walking is even worse. Pedestrians don't even buy bicycles.


Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Need better lighting.....

This is the NEW light installed yesterday  

These are the light just to the west - look at the difference 


Saturday, December 26, 2020

Cell Phones

 Your cell phone has replaced your: 













Alarm Clock 

Photo Album 

Address Book 

Answering Machine 



Monday, December 21, 2020


 We've temporarily limited some of your account features

Henry McClure
What happened?
We have determined that this account violated the Twitter Rules. Specifically, for:
  1. Violating our rules against abuse and harassment.
    You may not engage in the targeted harassment of someone, or incite other people to do so. This includes wishing or hoping that someone experiences physical harm.
    • Henry McClure
      @charliekirk11 Hunter help negotiate the deal because he's the smartest guy Joe Biden's ever met
As a result, we’ve temporarily limited some of your account features. While in this state, you can still browse Twitter, but you’re limited to only sending Direct Messages to your followers –– no Tweets, Retweets, follows, or likes. Learn more. Your account will be restored to full functionality in: 12 hours and 0 minutes.
You can start your countdown and continue to Twitter once you:
  • Remove Tweets that violate our rules
If you think we’ve made a mistake, you can appeal the violation.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

From my cousin "Bantleon"





🔺"CDC admitted they screwed up COVID19 infection
counts and intentionally misled the public and have apologized, clarifying that the amount of people truly infected is much lower than what was originally reported -- an error so egregious it made the director of the Harvard Global Health Institute say “how could the CDC make this mistake? This is a mess."
🔺The American Coronavirus Task Force also admitted to fudging the National COVID19 death count when Dr. Birx said the deaths are people who died “with” COVID19 not “from” COVID19, thus making the real death count much lower than what is currently being reported.
🔺Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted masks won’t help against the virus and mask manufacturers are now including warnings that their products do not deter COVID19.
🔺Fauci also said that continuing to close the country could cause irreparable damage.
🔺CDC backtracked their initial claim that led governors to shutdown their states & clarified that COVID19 does not spread easily on surfaces.
🔺Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo confirmed a recent health study showing that 70% of new infections actually originate at home, thus making stay at home orders one of the most dangerous mandates currently in place if you fear this “virus.”
🔺Trump stopped funding the WHO and threatened to cut off money permanently until they can prove they are no longer corruptly influenced by communist China after they lied to our country about human to human transmission of COVID19 in January.
🔺The curve is flattened, the CDC, WHO, Dr. Fauci, our governors, and many more were completely wrong about the potential threat of this virus.
🔺If you are still living in fear, Don’t be. The media, global organizations, the government, and its agencies “mislead” the public.
🔺People called those of us who knew this all along conspiracy theorists, but it turns out we were just following the facts!
🔺Open up your businesses, churches, and homes. Don’t fall for the lies any longer. If you fell for the lies this time, wake up and join the army of truth seekers fighting on the front lines.
🔺 Florida has just admitted to miscalculations on some that received positive COVID-19 results but never got tested and many others have been incorrectly identified as positive in the state’s system.
🔺 WHO have just admitted that transmission of the virus from an asymptomatic carriers - the whole reason for the lockdown, is rare!! ie you could not spread it before showing any symptoms!!
⚠️ The CDC just confirmed a .4 to .26% death-rate for Covid 19. The death rate for the flu shot is .6. Twice as high as Covid!

For that, we have:
• Added nearly 6 trillion to national debt
• Laid-off or furloughed 50 million workers
• Placed 60 million on food stamps
• Gone from 3.5%to 14.7% unemployment
• Crippled the petroleum industry
• Ruined the tourism industry
• Bankrupted the service industry
• Caused an impending meat and protein crisis
• Threatened, fined, and arrested church leaders
• Exacerbated mental health problems
• Shut down schools and colleges
• Given unbridled power to unelected officials
• Increased suicides higher than COVID deaths
• Delayed surgeries and treatments for profound illnesses
• Infringed upon countless important civil liberties
• Placed 300 million Americans on house arrest
Bill Gates has placed himself in such a position of influence by heavily funding all corners to make this lie happen.

We need to start treating it as the lie it is.
Seriously our whole way of life is at stake, and they have plans to make it much worse now introducing it as "the grand reset", "the beginning of the 4th revolution" (ie a surveillance state of control, where everyone lives in what is essentially a strick open air prison where you are tracked, nothing is private, and everything is decided for you, and you have no rights whatsoever, and there can be no resistance.
Welcome to their "new world order".

·COPIED AND PASTED. Feel free to do the same.



Tuesday, August 11, 2020

If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate.

 "Would you like me to give you a formula for success? It's quite simple, really: Double your rate of failure. You are thinking of failure as the enemy of success. But it isn't at all. You can be discouraged by failure or you can learn from it, so go ahead and make mistakes. Make all the mistakes you can. Because remember that's where you will find success."

- Thomas J. Watson

Thomas John Watson Sr. was an American businessman. He served as the chairman and CEO of International Business Machines. He oversaw the company's growth into an international force from 1914 to 1956. Watson developed IBM's management style and corporate culture from John Henry Patterson's training at NCR. Wikipedia
BornFebruary 17, 1874, Campbell, NY
DiedJune 19, 1956, New York, NY